An Interpretation of Genrich Altshuller's ARIZ
by Igor Polkovnikov, editor Peter Stylianos, 2019. Ref:20200824 Initial 20190120 Print margins: IE04040504

ARIZ is a heuristic algorithm of problem solving of conflicts. It is a cornerstone of TRIZ and dialectical problem solving. It applies all TRIZ tools including the principles and standards as well as other tools. It consists of 40 steps. Learning ARIZ is very time consuming and difficult, but it gives unprecedented power of dialectical thought. We are going to approach it step by step. ARIZ must be precursored by UHFA (Useful-Harmful functional Analysis) which analyses the problem situation, and segments out possible problems to solve. ARIZ narrows the analysis and, at the same time, broadens our view on it, helping to think out of the box and getting rid our our psychological prejustices. ARIZ continuously reformulates the problem to the shape when it can be solved by available instruments of 51 Inventive Principles and 77 "Standards". It is systematic organization of thought process. Problems being subject to be solved with ARIZ are complex. They may require a lot of time to solve. But without ARIZ the solution may take much longer, be not as optimal as possible, or even never found.

ARIZ is made to provide a roadmap for solution of the most complex problems: problems encompassing contradictions. It lays down a roadmap for solutions. Verified successfully numerous times, though time consuming to learn, ARIZ proved itself being a powerful tool. However, it is a very first attempt in history to lay down such roadmap. New discoveries lay ahead.

ARIZ was so successful in solution of contradictions, that non-contradictory problems could be solved by inventing contradictions for them, writing them in terms of contradictions, and then, being subject to ARIZ process. Moreover, ARIZ requires thinking in terms of contradictions, thus promoting the most powerful way of thinking: dialectics. Being dialectical itself, ARIZ, at the same time, broadens the view on the problems, and narrow it. Multitude views on the problem, vision of micro- and macro- systematic levels, accounting for multitude of possibilities reflects systems thinking being, again, great complement to dialectics. Systems thinking and dialectics, provision of tools for their practical applications, that is the essence of TRIZ.

Please, take in account, that you may find conclusions which you are going to make out of ARIZ steps paradoxical and counterintuitive. They are! Because your intuition keeps you in the mental box that ARIZ tries to open for you. Otherwise you would find the solution yourself before applying ARIZ. Trust the ARIZ steps and keep your thinking along those lines. Do not pay attention to your intuition which may try to refuse those conclusions. Enlightenment will come.

This text is the translation from Г.С.Алтшуллер, Б.Л.Злотин, А.З.Зусман, В.И.Филатов. "Поиск новых идей: от озарения к технологии", Кишенёв, 1989, with remarks of Igor Polkovnikov. Remarks and new terms are based on the Igor's book "Junctions. On How Worlds are Connected", 2018. You will meet the term "compound system". It means "supersystem", a system which a given system is a part of. Any system can be a part of many other systems.

Principles mentioned are numbered like 47[25] which means, 25th in Altshuller's order, 47 in Polkovnikov's order.
Steps of the algorithm are numbered as 1.1 or 2.3. There are notes to the steps. They are sequentially numbered.

1. Analysis of the Problem

The goal of the first part of ARIZ is transformation of a blurred initial problem to a clear and simple form (a model) of the problem. There could be many such models. If the problem can not be solved with one, at the end ARIZ will direct you back to formulate another model.


Write down initial problem formulation in this form:

A system for [write the purpose] includes [list major parts of the system].
Contradiction 1: if A, than B is good, but C is bad. [write it down with your A, B, and C]
Contradiction 2: if ~A than ~B and that is bad, but ~C and that is good.
Required: with minimal changes in the system obtain [write down the result].

1. We obtain the formula from a problem situation thinking in this way: everything stays the same or simpler, but the required appears, or harm disappears. With this we intensify the conflict and cut the ways to compromise or hide (which gives weak solutions).

2. While listing the parts, we should also name objects from natural surroundings.

3. Contradictions are properties or interactions in the system such that the useful action can cause the harmful action or elimination of a harmful action causes another harmful action or impermissible complications.

Contradictions are formed by writing down the one state of one element of the system explaining what is good and what is bad, then write down the opposite state of the same element explaining again what, in this case, is bad and what is good.

Sometimes there is no evident contradiction observed. In this case, one can consider a state which notoriously not allowed. For instance, "How, with naked eye, to observe micro-particles floating in the optically clear liquid if the particles are so small that light is not blocked by them". Contradiction-1: if particles are small, the liquid stays optically clear, but the particles cannot be observed with the naked eye. Contradictioin-2: if particles are large, they can be observed well, but the liquid ceases to be optically clear. It seem that the problem formulation rejects consideration of the Contradiction 2, but it gives additional clue to the solution: small particles staying small must become large. (The Required for this problem will be formulated as such: "With minimal changes in the system obtain the ability to observe the small particles with the naked eye so that the liquid stays optically clear".

4. Specialized terms must be replaced with lay words. It is done for the purpose of "thinking out of the box". Terms:

5. Igor: Periods of time are objects too. For example: a period before event, a period during event, a period after event. List them.

6. Igor: Draw a flow diagram of the considered system (see my book).

7. Igor: Be careful about choosing B and C. For example, if a problem is to sort nails, B should not be a pile of nails or a single nail. It should be "order of nails".


Choose and write down a pair of interacting (and possibly conflicting) elements: actor and actee (a "tool" and a "product").

Rule 1. It is chosen from the "List of major parts" listed in 1.1
Rule 2. If the "tool" has two states, state both.
Rule 3. If there are many pairs of interacting elements of the same kind, it is enough to choose only one pair.

5. An actee is an element which should be processed (manufactured, moved, changed, improved, protected, recognized, measured, etc.). In "indicator" problems, the actee may appear to be an element which by its major function is an actor. For example, polishing stone. It polishes, but one needs to measure its wear.

6. An actor is the element which immediately acts upon the actee (cutter, not a machinery; fire, not a burner). The part of environment can be an actor. Standard sets of parts are an actor. For instance, a Lego set is in actor.

7. One of the actee or the actor can be compound (or paired). For example, when two actors must affect the actee, but their actions contradict each other. Or when two actee must accept actions of the same actor, but they hinder each other.


Draw the conflict schematic for each contradiction;

8. For example, 1). if A acts upon B well, but causes harm to C. 2). if A does not act on B, there is no harm to C. (Igor: Here the solid arrow represents a positive, good effect; the waved arrow represent harful effect; the dashed arrow represent absent effect; the crossed waved line represent absent harm.)

10. Conflict could be considered not only in physical space, but in time, and in any other system space and across all of them. (For example A->B and A->C can happen in the same space or in different.)

11. Steps 1.1 to 1.3 make the problem statement more accurate and sharper. Verify this line of thought so that it is logically clear, and correct it if necessary.

Igor: More about conflicts schematic is in Addendum 1. The arrows should represent cause-effect rather than actual actions or flows. This schematic is related to "Useful-Harmful" Functional Analysis of a System (UHFA) (see on this site) rather than to schematic found in Standards (Su-Field).


Choose one conflict, the one which satisfies the main function the best. Write down the main function.

12. Choosing one of the conflicts, we choose one of the opposite states of the actor. The following thinking process must be tied to exactly this state. You must not substitute "small number of conductors" with some "optimal number". ARIZ requires sharpening the conflict, not softening: Igor. Examples: instead of "easier" use "easy", of "loud" - "very loud" like instead of "Sound was loud, so that we can hardly hear each other" use "Sound was so loud, so that we cannot hear heach other".

"Clutching" into one state of the actor, we should achieve that during this state, the useful quality attributed to the opposite state appears."There are few conductors, and we will not increase their number, but, as the result of our solution, they should act as if there are many of them".

13. Sometimes, to establish the main function is difficult in problems of measurement. Measurement is almost always conducted for some changes like machining a part or building a wall. Therefore, in measurement problems, the main function of the all system must be taken, not of the measuring device. We measure for purpose, and that purpose is the main function. There are exceptions only in some scientific problems.


Intensify the conflict, by writing down the extreme state of the elements.

Rule: Majority of problems contain conflicts like "many elements" and "few elements" ("a strong element" - "a weak element", etc.). Conflicts of the "few elements" type, during intensification, should be brought to the form "zero elements" ("an absent element").

Igor. The word "and" is used, not "versus" (vs). That is to show that the solution will satisfy both requirements. (Check with the "win-win" paradigm).


Write down the obtained problem model, stating 1) conflicting pair; 2) intensified formula of the conflict; 3) what an "X-element" which is to be introduced should do to solve the conflict (what it should preserve and what it should eliminate, improve, provide, etc.).

The formulation may look abstract or even impossible. But it is only a model, a seed from which the solution will grow.

14. The model is conventional, it selects some elements of the system conventionally. Igor: Other elements still exist, they haven't became the major parts of chosen line of thought, but could be used in the next steps of the algorithm.

15. Return to the step 1.1 and verify the logical line of the model. Sometimes it is possible to show the X-element within the conflict diagram.

16. X-element is not necessarily an object. It is "something". It can be a change in the system, it can be a change of temperature, or the aggregate state of the matter of the system or its environment. Igor: It could be a method, or another order of elements, or action. X-element is highly abstract.


Verify, if "Standards" can be applied.

17. Part 1 clarifies the problem and often allows to observe common patterns with other problems. It allows more effective application of standards. (See the "Advantageous Operations ("Standards") on Minimal Working Systems (MWS)").

2. Identification of available "Resources"

Igor. "Resources" is what can be used to solve the problem. Resources can be of physical space, time, interactions (fields), substances, objects, and system worlds and spaces (see the book "Junctions"). Emphasis here is on "available".

For example, in software, resources for a function are its code, projects it is used in, available other functions to be called, the class the function belongs, sometimes calling functions, opportunity to make default arguments, etc. In economy, it is a person's financial resources, like a bank account, credit cards, relatives to borrow money from, property, possessions available for sale, town he lives in, time he use to work for hire and contracting, etc.


Define the Operative Zone (OZ).

18. In the simples cases, OZ is the physical or a system space in which the conflict takes place.

Igor. Operative Zone must include all participating parts and immediate environment. The internals of all parts within it are parts of OZ too. OZ is like a bubble.
A good choice of OZ may include everything what is required, and nothing what is not required.


Define the Operative Time (OT)

19. OT is 1). time of the conflict; 2). time before conflict; 3) time after the conflict. A conflict, especially of short duration, sometimes can be prevented during the time 2). (Principles 30[9], 41[10], 42[11]).


Discover the resources (SFR): interactions, fields, substances, objects, etc.

20. SFR stands for "Substance-Field Resources". Just an abbreviation. SFR resources are those which are already present, or can be easily obtained.

SFR could be of three kinds:
1). innersystem, SFR of the Actor and/or Actee;
2). outersystem: a). SFR of the environment, specific for given problem; b). SFR, common for any environment, "background" ones, like gravitational and magnetic fields of Earth. c). SFR of other elements of the system.
3). compound-system (supersystematic): a). waste of another nearby system; b). "penny" ones, very cheap ones.

Igor. SFR must include all the geometrical features found in the OZ during OT, material properties, vibrations, passing radiation, physical, chemical, biological, may be ornamental, and all other properties. It must include ACTIONS happening there. Everything. If there is an empty space in the zone, or it is possible to make an opening, include "emptiness".

When looking for SFR, consider the parts as well as the systems they belong to as well as subsystems down to micro level.

During solution of a specific mini-problem (the one for which a solution has to be the cheapest and fastest to implement, but not necessarily the best), it is desirable to obtain result with minimal SFT expenditure. Then it is reasonable to use the innersystem SFR first. While developing the answer and making a prognosis, one can use maximum of various SFR.

21. Usually the Actee is not modifiable. But sometimes it can be modified to obtain resources. For example:
1). it can be changed itself;
2). it can allow spending or changing of one of its parts, especially if it is abundant;
3). it can allow changing of its compound systems (a brick is unchanged, but the house design can be changed);
4). it can allow usage of the micro-structures;
5). it can allow unification with "nothingness", "emptyness";
6). it can allow change for some time.

Thus, the actee is included in SFR only in those rare cases when can it can "be changed without changing".

SFR are resources which are present. If they are not sufficient to solve the problem, we can bring other resources. The step 2.3 is preliminary.

3. Define Ideal Final Result (IFR) and Physical Contradiction (PhC)

Ideal Final Result (IFR) is an image of an ideal solution. It is not always possible to achieve it, but it points toward the strongest solution. Igor: Physical Contradiction (PhC) is not an obstacle for achieving IFR. Clear statement of the contradiction is as essential as a clear statement of any problem. And that was done before during declaration of the problem. A Physical Contradiction is the first step toward the solution: what is needed to be achieved to solve the contradiction. Thus, PhC and IFR define the beginning and the end of the line of thought.

3.1. Igor: I need to rethink this..

Write down the formula of IFR, for example: "X-element absolutely not complicating the system and not making any harmful effects eliminates..(write down the harmful effect or action) during the OT within OZ, while the Actee is capable of making.. (write down the useful action)."

23. The conflict "harmful effect goes along with the useful action" is an example. There are other conflicts, for instance, "introduction of new useful action causes complication of the system", or "one useful action is incomparable with another useful action". Therefore, the formula 3.1 is only an example. The sense of any other formulas of IFR: obtaining a useful property or making a useful action or elimination of a harmful effect must not be accompanied with worsening of other qualities or appearance of another harmful effect.


Intensify IFR-1: "It is prohibited to introduce new things, one should use SFR".

ATTENTION! The process of solution is accompanied by breaking down the accustomed notions of the reality. New notions appear which are difficult to reflect with words. While working with ARIZ, one should use simple, not professional, even "childish" words, avoiding special terminology (they intensify psychological bondings inhibiting search for the new).

24. During solution of the mini-problems, one should consider (in accordance with notes 20 and 21) SFR in this sequence: SFR of instrument (actor), SFR of environment, side SFR, SFR of the actee.

These different SFR make the four lines for the solution. Practical considerations reduce the number. During solution of mini-problems, it is sufficient to find a solution in the line of the instrument (actor), while solving maxi-problem, one should follow all lines. With practice of problem solving, one develops a multi-modal thinking: an ability to see changes in compound systems (supersystems), the system, and its subsystems, and in all lines of development.


Think about and write down the PhC formula on macro-level: "Operating Zone (OZ) during Operating Time (OT) must be (write down what it should be) to enable (write down one of the conflicting actions) and must not be (write down the opposite physical, objective state) to provide (write down another conflicting action or a requirement). For example, a molding form must be hot to provide ... and cold to provide ...

25. PhC is two opposite requirements to the Operating Zone. For example, be electro-conductive, and not be electro-conductive.

26. If formulation of the complete PhC is difficult, it is possible to use the short formula: "Element (or a part of an element in OZ) should be, to provide (write down what), and should not be, to provide (write down what)".

Igor: "Physical" contradiction is not only about the physical world. It is an actual requirement, properties, which supposed to be in order to satisfy the contradictions in 1.1. Those 1.1 contradictions are functional contradictions, while "Physical" contradiction is an actual implementation.

Igor: Where is the X-element now? We are starting to construct it with all these OZ, OT, contradictions. The following steps go into more details, level by level. Where are SFR? They and their parts (in all senses) can be used.

Attention! While solving with ARIZ, the solution appear gradually. Do not interrupt ARIZ, continue till the end.

Steps of ARIZ should not be done mechanically. ARIZ is an instrument for thinking. Every step should approach envisioning of a strong solution. This particular step should form the most abstract requirement for the OZ and OT to solve the contradiction. The solution might not be visible yet, but we form the most basic property of it enabling solving the contradiction.


Think about and write down physical contradiction formula on micro-level

Igor: Problems can be solved on different levels: on the system level, sometimes on the compound system level, and on so called micro-level. That means on the level of smaller components. The formula 3.4 essentially copies the PhC, with addition of the notion that "smaller parts, system-lets, particles, small spaces containing acting fields" act to provide necessary contradictory properties. As for particles, it could be small details, nano-particles, magnetic domains, molecules, atoms, small volumes of magnetic or electrical fields, etc. Since they are all, in turn, systems, let us call them all "systemlets".

In case the problem does not have a solution of micro-level, one is not capable to formulate 3.4. This helps to make it clear: search for a solution is on macro-level.


Write down the formula of IFR-2: "OZ (specify) during OT (specify) ITSELF provides (specify opposite "physical" macro- and micro- states).

Igor: See the Principle 45[27]. Do not write "OZ" and "OT", specify what it is!

For example: "Neutral molecules in the air column must THEMSELVES turn into free electrical charges during a lighting discharge, and after the discharge, the free charges must THEMSELVES turn into neutral molecules.

Igor: Now we designed one of the possible solution formulations. Next steps are to elaborate it.


Apply standards

If the problem is solved, you may jump to the chapter 7, but it is recommended to continue to 4 in any case.

4. Application of systematic methods: "resource mobilization", MSA (Modeling with Smart Ants), Principles, Transitions to other dimensions and system worlds, etc.

Some rules of systemlets"mobilization". Every and all principles can be used singularly or in composition to obtain a new property. At this step, Altshuller recommends this:

Rule 4. Systemlets can be divided into two groups: one performs a function A, another - B. (See principles Segmentation 3[1], Application of Composites 50[40], Heterogeneity Antirinciple 46[33]);

Rule 5. Systemlets of one group can be divided into two, and new property appears as the result of their interaction. (Anti-principle 34[39] - "Catalyst", Principle of Flows 28{105});

Rule 6. If systemlets must belong to only one group, the second group can be obtained by changing parameters of the systemlets, or placing them in other conditions. (Principles of Local Quality 4[3], Change of Parameters 35[35]);

Rule 7. Divided, and introduced systemlets after the process should become indistinguishable from each other or from other present systemlets. (Principles of Homogeneity 46[33], Discarding and Regenerating 43[34]).


Modeling with Smart Ants (MSA)

Originally, the method was called Моделирование Маленькими Человечками (ММЧ).

a). Model the conflict with the Smart Ants by drawing them acting to achieve the result.
b). Igor: Ants should be smart. Change the schematics of their actions so they do not cause the conflict.
If the actions develop in time, make several drawings. Make good drawings. They should be clear without words, and they give additional hits for resolution of the conflict and hints for obtaining PhD and IFR.

This step of the algorithm is complementary. It helps to envision what the systemlets should do in OZ and nearby. MSA helps to find the abstract solution ("what has to be done") on functional level without knowing how in particularly it can be done. It helps to think "out of the box", broaden imagination, and release psychological bonds which have been put on you by your previous education and experience. The method often gives a practical solution. Do not stop, continue with ARIZ.

As Smart Ants, variable parts of the problem should be drawn: Actor, X-Element. Often is it required to draw a "bad" action and a "good" action.

Attention! The goal of the "resource mobilization" is not in using all available resources, but in finding the maximally strong answer with minimal resource spending.


Step Back from the Ideal Final Result

If, from the problem statement, it is known what the final result should be, and the problem is to find a way to obtain it, the method "Step Back from the Ideal Final Result" (Principle of " Partial or Excessive Action" 12[16])) can be applied. One has to draw a ready system, then incorporate a minimal "dismantling" variation into it. For example, if in the IFR, two details contact, then with the minimal deviation from the IFR, a small gap between them should be introduced. Now a new intermediate problem arises: how to eliminate this gap. Often, solution of such problem does not cause any trouble and serves as a hint for the main solution.


Find if a solution can be found by mixing, unifying resources and systemlets

33. If for the solution the available resources could be used readily, in the way they are given, the problem might not have been arouse or be solved instantly. New additives, systemlets, substances, particles should be brought into action. But their incorporation into the design usually is tired with complexification of the system, introduction of harmful side effects, and so on. The essence of the work with SFR in the chapter 4 of ARIZ is to bypass this contradiction and "introduce new things while not introducing them".

34. Use Principles of Unification 3[1], Consolidation 5[5], Multifunctionality 6[6], Application of Composites 50[40], Standard 3.1.1.


Can we replace systemlets with void, or can we use emptyness? Can we change the form, topology so that the gaps can be used? Can we "Mix with emptyness".

Use Principles of Negation 1[13], Nesting 8[7], Spheres and Curves 9[14], Asymmetry 7[4], "Flexible Membranes or Thin Films" 23[30], "Porous Materials" 24[31].

Emptyness is an extremely useful resource. It is always available, cheap, easy "mixing" with other systemlets and substances.

Emptyness is not always vacuum. It can be filled with gases, liquids, or other solids. It is froth, bubbles, holes, gaps, etc. For crystals it is incorporated complex molecules, for molecules - separate atoms, or gaps in the molecular structure. Emptyness can be obtained by changing form: making holes, bending, twisting, weaving. Generally speaking, emptyness is anything what is opposite.

What is emptyness in other areas aside from the physical world? In economics, it could be, for example, deal or no deal. In acting: silent pauses. Aren't they powerful?


Can derived substances, systemlets, accompanying fields and effects (even harmful) be used?

36. Derived systemlets are obtained by changing of the state of available resources. For example, if the available substance is water, then the derived are vapor and ice. Derived ones are also those, obtained by decomposition: for water it is hydrogen and oxygen, for wood: after burn gases. For multi-component systems it is their components, etc. Every Principle can be used to obtain "derived".

Rule 8. If components are required, for example, ions, and it is impossible to introduce them, they are obtained by decomposition of available resources of the higher structural level, for example, molecules.

Rule 9. If components are required, for example, molecules, and it is impossible to introduce them, they are obtained by unification of the resources of a lower level, for example, ions.

Rule 10. Igor. Altshuller writes that it is easier to decompose "whole" systems, and unify partial ones. May be for molecules it is true, but in general, this is not true, at least in some domains. A system possesses a property of stability. It resists decomposition. While the partial systems, "not complete" can be much easier destroyed.


Can "fields", i.e. interactions be used instead of more substantial systems?


Can the pairs a systems and corresponding fields be used?

For example, magnetic field - solid or porous metals, ultraviolet - luminophores, thermal field - shape-memory alloy.
(It means, a Junction and the corresponding type of actions).

5. Application of Knowledge


Apply Standards.


Are there analogous problems solved earlier?


Apply "Typical Methods of Conflict Solving"

See the addendum 2. It essentially means application of standards.


Search through knowledge systematized in the TRIZ way (or whatever available).

The knowledge is used to find or synthesize the constructed abstract solution. It means the knowledge is supposed to be arranged in the way, suitable for the problem solving with all the methods described here. Unfortunately, the most of knowledge is not structured this way. One has to have sufficient experience in navigating the available knowledge and "feeling" how to apply it to inventive problems. One has to have an "operational mind". TRIZ provides some knowledge structured in the way suitable for inventor's consumption, but the work is far from over.

6. Change or Replacement of the Problem

At this point, simple (in ARIZ terminology) problems should be already solved in multiple ways. More complex problem solving usually is accomplished with clarification and variation of the problem statement: the underlying sense of it. No inventive problem of reasonable complexity can be correctly formulated at first. Only solved problems are understood more or less completely. The solution process of such problems is essentially continuous correction of them.


If problem is solved - continue with conventional design.


If there is no answer, verify if 1.1 is a composition of several problems. In this case, reformulate 1.1 segmenting them, and try to solve the most important one.

Example: The problem: "How to sold links of the very thin gold chains? The weight of such chains is only 1 gram per meter. A methods is needed allowing to process 10s and 100s meters of such chains in a day.
Possible sub-problems: a). How to insert micro-doses of solder into gaps of the links? b). How to provide heating of the solder micro doses without the harm to the whole chain? c). How to eliminate excess of solder, if there is? The main problem here would be a).


If there is no answer, at the step 1.4 choose another contradiction.

Example: During solution of the problems related to measurement, it usually means refusal to measure at all, and change of the whole system in such a way that the measurement is not required (Standard 4.1.1).


If there no answer, return to 1.1, and reformulate the problem applying it to the system of the higher level. If needed - several times.

7. Analysis of the Contradiction Elimination

It is better to spend 2-3 hours (or even months) obtaining a better and stronger solution, than later half of one's life to struggle for a weak idea.


Verification of the solution.

Consider all incorporating systemlets, substances, fields, etc. Can we not incorporate new by using available SFR? Can we use self-adjusting parts?

43. Self-adjusting parts are such components which change in some way with changing circumstances, for example, magnets which loose there magnetic properties with warming above the Curie point. Application of such components allow changing of the system state and and, for example, make measurements without introduction of new.


Evaluating the solution.

a). Does the solution provide the solution of the main contradiction in 1.1?
b). What contradiction is eliminated and was it eliminated at all? What PhC is solved?
c). Does the solution contain at least one well controlled element? Which one? How the control can be accomplished?
d). Can the solution be used in real life when conditions are changing and the system has (if it has) to work in multiple cycles?

If not, return to 1.1.


Verify patentability.


What problems can arise during the following design and construction? Inventive, design, calculation, organizational ones?

8. Application of the Answer.

A good idea not only solves a particular problem, but give a universal approach to other analogous problems.


How the compound system (supersystem) can be changed or is changed?


Can the new system be used in a new way?


Use the answer to solve other problems.

a). Formulate, in the general form, the principle of the solution;
b). Can this principle be used directly to the solutions of other problems;
c). Consider the opposite principle;
d). Make "Morphological Analysis" (by Fritz Zwicky);
e). Consider the principle when the size (and other parameters) of the system, and size of the main components approach zero, or infinity.

44. These steps can lead to a new theory.

9. Analysis of the Process of Solution


Compare the solution steps and process with ARIZ. If there are deviations, write it down.


Compare the result with TRIZ standards, principle, knowledge base. If the solution principle is not contained there, write it down as a candidate.


Addendum 1. Major Types of Conflicts in Problem Models

1. Contra-action

A acts on B usefully (solid arrow), but the opposite harmful action appears acting constantly or from time to time. It is required to eliminate harmful effect preserving useful action.

2. Co-action

Useful action A on B likewise causes a harmful effect on B (for example, on different stages of operation the same action can be useful or harmful). It is required to eliminate harmful effect preserving the useful one.

3. Co-action

Useful action A on one part of B appears to be harmful for another part of B. Eliminate harmful effect on B2 preserving useful action on B1.

4. Co-action

Useful action A on B causes harmful effect on C (within the same system, A, B, and C form). It is required to eliminate harmful effect, preserve useful action without compromising the system integrity.

5. Co-action

Useful action of A on B is accomplished by harmful effect of A on itself (in particular, causes over complexity of A). It is required to eliminate harmful effect preserving the useful action.

6. Incompatibility

Useful action of A on B is incompatible with useful action of C on B (for example, machining is incompatible with measurement). It is required to provide action C on B preserving the action of A on B.

7. Incomplete action, or absence of it

A makes one action on B, but two different actions are required.
Or, A does not act on B.
Or, there is no A at all: B should be changed, but is unknown how.
It is required to provide action on B with the simplest A.

8. "Silence" There is no information about A, or B, or the action of A on B. Sometimes there is only B. It is required to obtain the information.
9. No control or excessive action A acts on B uncontrollable (for example, constantly), but a control or adjustment ability is needed. It is required to make the acton of A on B controllable.


Addendum 2. Methods of Solving Physical Contradictions (PhC)

  Method Examples
1 Separation of conflicting properties in space Multitude of Principles
2 Separation of conflicting properties in time Standard 2.2.3
3 System transition 1-a: unification of uniform or not-uniform systems into a compound system Standard 3.1.1
4 System transition 1-b: from a system to anti-system or to their combination Standard 3.1.3
5 System transition 1-c: the whole system is assigned a property C, but its parts - property anti-C Standard 3.1.5
6 System transition 2: transition to a system working on the micro-level Standard 3.2.1
7 Phase transition 1: replacement of the state of one part of the system or its environment Standard 5.3.1
8 Phase transition 2: "dual" state of one part of the system (it changes its state depending on the circumstances) Standard 5.3.2
9 Phase transition 3: Use of the phenomena accompanying state transitions Standard 5.3.3
10 Phase transition 4: Replacement of system or substance having one state with two-state system. Standards 5.3.4, 5.3.5
11 "Physical-Chemical" transition (using chemical reactions to obtain physical effects and vice versa) Standards 5.5.1, 5.5.2