Table of PADs in the Book

Home | Top | What is PAD: Perfectly Aligning Diagrams | How the method was developed | Basic chord fingering chart | Table of PADs in the Book: chords and scales, transposition table | Musical structure of guitar starting with C major scale | Essential guitar scale pattern on the fretboard | Notes along the fingerboard: note C | Grouping of notes across the guitar strings into fret groups | Notes along the strings | Thirds intervals on the Guitar. Exercise | Guitar Triads and Tetrads (Chords), Diagonal Structure, Exercise | Chords and Inverted Chords on a Guitar Fret Group. Exercise | PAD Chord Charts | Working with other keys, C blues scale and A minor scale and key | Importance of Key Signatures | Guitar Ear, Fingering, Memory Training with Visual Musical Notes Presentation | The book | Success without memorizing | Blogs, Forums, Groups

This translator table shows available PADs and pages they are on. The collection contains popular major and minor chords, scales, blues chords and a scale, and additional jazz and classical chords in accordance with keys. The table can be used for transposition.

C-Am key signature
G-Em  key signature
F-Dm  key signature
D-Bm  key signature
Bb-Gm  key signature
A-F#m  key signature
Eb-Cm  key signature
E-C#m  key signature
Ab-Fm  key signature
B-G#m  key signature
Db-Bbm  key signature
Gb-Ebm  key signature
C, 1 G, 7 F, 13 D, 19 Bb, 25 A, 31 Eb, 37 E, 43 Ab, 49 B, 55 Db, 61 Gb, 67
Am, 1 Em, 7 Dm, 13 Bm, 19 Gm, 25 F#m, 31 Cm, 37 C#m, 43 Fm, 49 G#m, 55 Bbm, 61 Ebm, 67
F, 1 C, 7 Bb, 13 G, 19 Eb, 25 D, 31 Ab, 37 A, 43 Db, 49 E, 55 Gb, 61 B, 67
G, 1 D, 7 C, 13 A, 19 F, 25 E, 31 Bb, 37 B, 43 Eb, 49 F#, 55 Ab, 61 Db, 67
Dm, 2 Am, 8 Gm, 14 Em, 20 Cm, 26 Bm, 32 Fm, 38 F#m, 44 Bbm, 50 C#m, 56 Ebm, 62 Abm, 68
Em, 2 Bm, 8 Am, 14 F#m, 20 Dm, 26 C#m, 32 Gm, 38 G#m, 44 Cm, 50 D#m, 56 Fm, 62 Bbm, 68
Bdim, 2 F#dim, 8 Edim, 14 C#dim, 20 Adim, 26 G#dim, 32 Ddim, 38 D#dim, 44 Gdim, 50 A#dim, 56 Cdim, 62 Fdim, 68
E, 2 B, 8 A, 14 F#, 20 D, 26 C#, 32 G, 38 G#, 44 C, 50 D#, 56 F, 62 Bb, 68
A, 3 E, 9 D, 15 B, 21 G, 27 F#, 33 C, 39 C#, 45 F, 51 G#, 57 Bb, 63 Eb, 69
Bm7b5, 3 F#m7b5, 9 Em7b5, 15 C#m7b5, 21 Am7b5, 27 G#m7b5, 33 Dm7b5, 39 D#m7b5, 45 Gm7b5, 51 A#m7b5, 57 Cm7b5, 63 Fm7b5, 69
C Scale, 3 G Scale, 9 F Scale, 15 D Scale, 21 Bb Scale, 27 A Scale, 33 Eb Scale, 39 E Scale, 45 Ab Scale, 51 B Scale, 57 Db Scale, 63 Gb Scale, 69
Am Scale, 3 Em Scale, 9 Dm Scale, 15 Bm Scale, 21 Gm Scale, 27 F#m Scale, 33 Cm Scale, 39 C#m Scale, 45 Fm Scale, 51 G#m Scale, 57 Bbm Scale, 63 Ebm Scale, 69
C Blues Scale, 4 G Blues Scale, 10 F Blues Scale, 16 D Blues Scale, 22 Bb Blues Scale, 28 A Blues Scale, 34 Eb Blues Scale, 40 E Blues Scale, 46 Ab Blues Scale, 52 B Blues Scale, 58 Db Blues Scale, 64 Gb Blues Scale, 70
C7, 4 G7, 10 F7, 16 D7, 22 Bb7, 28 A7, 34 Eb7, 40 E7, 46 Ab7, 52 B7, 58 Db7, 64 Gb7, 70
F7, 4 C7, 10 Bb7, 16 G7, 22 Eb7, 28 D7, 34 Ab7, 40 A7, 46 Db7, 52 E7, 58 Gb7, 64 B7, 70
G7, 4 D7, 10 C7, 16 A7, 22 F7, 28 E7, 34 Bb7, 40 B7, 46 Eb7, 52 F#7, 58 Ab7, 64 Db7, 70
Cmaj7, 5 Gmaj7, 11 Fmaj7, 17 Dmaj7, 23 Bbmaj7, 29 Amaj7, 35 Ebmaj7, 41 Emaj7, 47 Abmaj7, 53 Bmaj7, 59 Dbmaj7, 65 Gbmaj7, 71
C6, 5 G6, 11 F6, 17 D6, 23 Bb6, 29 A6, 35 Eb6, 41 E6, 47 Ab6, 53 B6, 59 Db6, 65 Gb6, 71
Dm7, 5 Am7, 11 Gm7, 17 Em7, 23 Cm7, 29 Bm7, 35 Fm7, 41 F#m7, 47 Bbm7, 53 C#m7, 59 Ebm7, 65 Abm7, 71
Dm6, 5 Am6, 11 Gm6, 17 Em6, 23 Cm6, 29 Bm6, 35 Fm6, 41 F#m6, 47 Bbm6, 53 C#m6, 59 Ebm6, 65 Abm6, 71
Em7, 6 Bm7, 12 Am7, 18 F#m7, 24 Dm7, 30 C#m7, 36 Gm7, 42 G#m7, 48 Cm7, 54 D#m7, 60 Fm7, 66 Bbm7, 72
E7, 6 B7, 12 A7, 18 F#7, 24 D7, 30 C#7, 36 G7, 42 G#7, 48 C7, 54 D#7, 60 F7, 66 Bb7, 72
Am7, 6 Em7, 12 Dm7, 18 Bm7, 24 Gm7, 30 F#m7, 36 Cm7, 42 C#m7, 48 Fm7, 54 G#m7, 60 Bbm7, 66 Ebm7, 72
A7, 6 E7, 12 D7, 18 B7, 24 G7, 30 F#7, 36 C7, 42 C#7, 48 F7, 54 G#7, 60 Bb7, 66 Eb7, 72
Addendum 1 Chords over C major scale: C, G, F, Em page 74 Am, Dm, Bdim page 75    
  Chords over A minor scale: Am, Dm, E, G page 76 C, F, Bdim page 77    
Addendum 2 Notes: C, D, E, F page 80 G, A, B page 81    
Addendum 3 Scales with "Black Piano Keys": G, D, F, C page 84 Bb, A, Eb, E page 85 Ab, B, Db, Gb page 86

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Home | Top | What is PAD: Perfectly Aligning Diagrams | How the method was developed | Basic chord fingering chart | Table of PADs in the Book: chords and scales, transposition table | Musical structure of guitar starting with C major scale | Essential guitar scale pattern on the fretboard | Notes along the fingerboard: note C | Grouping of notes across the guitar strings into fret groups | Notes along the strings | Thirds intervals on the Guitar. Exercise | Guitar Triads and Tetrads (Chords), Diagonal Structure, Exercise | Chords and Inverted Chords on a Guitar Fret Group. Exercise | PAD Chord Charts | Working with other keys, C blues scale and A minor scale and key | Importance of Key Signatures | Guitar Ear, Fingering, Memory Training with Visual Musical Notes Presentation | The book | Success without memorizing | Blogs, Forums, Groups

Available PAD in the key C - Am: Help | Home | Explanation | Musical Structure of Guitar | Success without memorizing | Forums, Groups
Notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B
Triads of C major scale: C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am, Bdim, tetrads: Bm7b5, G7
Triads of A minor scale: E, other: A
C blues scale C7, F7, G7
Chords over C major scale: C, G, F, Em, Am, Dm, Bdim
Chords over A minor scale: Am, Dm, E, G, C, F, Bdim
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Key words: guitar, chord, scale, chart, classical, note, tablature, book, fingerboard, fretboard
Design and Copyright © 2011 Igor Polk.    Published by Yes San Francisco, LLC on 2011.01.1